Welcome to Pre-K3!!!
I am super excited to be teaching your little one this year!
We are going to learn a lot and have the best time!!
For the first week of school, we will discuss the Classroom, Flashcard Rules (Shoes for walking Feet, eyes to see, ears to hear, hand to help, not hurt others and finger to the lips to Shhh…)
Everyone should by the end of the first week, be taking their folder out and putting in their tray, putting their water bottle on their table, putting snack in their basket, bookbag in their cubby and moving clip and "signing or tracing their name to let me know they are here! Each week I have a leader for various jobs to help make our day smooth! They will know where to use the bathroom and where and how to wash their hands when done. Our morning will start with morning bins, puzzles, books, or playdoh. We will follow with morning prayer (see prayers) Pledge of Allegiance, Calendar and Weather. We will sing the Days of the Week song, Months of the Year song, Starting mid September we will start letters. Everyday we will be incorporating colors and or shapes.
We will learn to work with our crayons, markers, scissors and water colors and paints.
Weather permitting we will go outside daily whether to play or read a book in the shade and will have free play in the classroom when time allows.
I already can tell you this is going to be an awesome year!!!
735-750 Arrival
Attendance is taken and sent off by 8.
Arrival till 8:05 Morning Bins
8:10-8:20 Carpet time ( Morning Prayer, Pledge, Calendar, Weather, Letter book, Sing Songs and Dance)
8:20-8:30 Use Restroom and Wash Hands
8:30 to 8:55 Large Group Study Talk and Learning
9:00-9:20 Snack
9:20 Use Restroom and Wash Hands
9:20 to 9:55 Recess
9:55 Use Restroom and wash hands
10:10 to 10:50 Centers
10:55 Read and Mighty Minutes
1120 Pack up
11:25 Closing Prayer
11:25-11:55 Lunch
11:55 Restroom and wash hands
12-1:10 Nap time
1:25-2:10 Special (Music, Art, Library, Gym, Library)
2:10 Snack
2:20 Pack up and ready for home
Morning Prayer
God my Father I give you today
All I think and do and say
I'll work and laugh
Have fun and play
Jesus be with us all through the day
Snack/Meal Prayer
Bless us O Lord
and these thy gifts
which we are about to receive
from thy bounty
through Christ our Lord
End of Day Prayer
Dear Lord
Now that we end this day
We thank you for guiding our way
We thank you Jesus for people who love us and take care of us
On two hour delays, we will have school from 9:35 to 11:25 for half day students.