Hello and welcome students and parents to a new school year! Please check here for updates for the class. I may be reached at[email protected]. Thank you and I look forward to having fun in gym this year.
About Me
I am excited going into my 8th year at St. John's New Haven as the Gym Teacher. Being a avid sports nut, I love seeing kids play games and having fun.
I received my first degree in Exercise Science. After working at both a fitness facility and high school, I went back to school to get my Physical Education and Health and Safety degrees. I also hold 5 certifications.
Outside of an active Catholic, I'm a proud father of three and have been married since college.
My hobbies have been coaching for 28 years and officiating 3 different sports. As much as I love helping kids get better in sports, I love to see all kids play and have fun.